In 2006, The Secret World Chronicle began as a series of stories featuring a colorful cast of characters, heroes and villains, set against the backdrop of Atlanta, Georgia, during what was to be termed the Invasion. More than five years later, this podcast continues to tell the stories of Victoria Victrix Nagy, Red Djinni, Bella Dawn Parker, Alex Tesla, Dominic Verdigris, Natalya Shostakovich, Ramona Ferrari, John Murdock, and the Seraphym.
As always, the podcast is free. We want our listeners to know that even as our books are published through Baen, we will keep our podcast free for your enjoyment. Spread the word, share the love, and send your friends and literary enthusiasts our way. We’ll continue to keep you entertained!
Follow the links on the left to find your preferred podcast installment. Each podcast is hosted by Podiobooks, and we encourage you to subscribe via their site. You can also subscribe via iTunes; just search for “The Secret World Chronicle” as you look for your podcast. You may also listen via the website; however, this option is only available for completed stories. Stories that have multiple episodes will be posted upon completion rather than per episode.
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Recording, editing, and production of the podcast is handled by Veronica; if you have suggestions, recommendations, or comments about an episode, please email her or contact her via Twitter.